Once a month join us to learn about growing vegetables & fruits, raising farm animals, and how to care for your soil. Meet the farmer, or tour a backyard growers garden. Make friends and exchange produce, ideas and smiles! Open to members and visitors.
Saturday 28 August
Our August event will be a hive of activity!
The Wild Pollinator, Ben Davis-MacAndrew, is joining us to present a very informative workshop about beneficial bugs, plus we'll get hands-on making a bee hotel.
Ben has a degree in Environmental Science and Management, works in bush regeneration and as a Habitat for Wildlife Project Officer with the Community Environment Network. He also offers native stingless bee hives and environmental education workshops.
In this session, Ben will delve into insect pollinators and beneficial bugs, the roles they play and how to create habitat in your garden that keeps them happy and healthy.
Then we'll make a bee and insect hotel for you to take home (one per membership).
Our August event also includes the Annual General Meeting and we're looking for several new committee members to take on a variety of roles.
If you've always wanted to get involved and give something back to HOGS and the growing community, now is the time to join the committee. More information here.
12.30pm Doors open (please have lunch prior to arrival)
1.00pm All seated for activities to commence
This afternoon includes the AGM, a presentation by Ben, The Wild Pollinator, on bees and other beneficial insects, and a workshop to make your own bee hotel.
Please bring afternoon tea to enjoy during breaks plus any excess produce, seeds or plants for the Swap & Share table.
4.30pm Estimated end of activities
Bookings for this event open on Saturday 7 August.
Due to COVID restrictions, bookings are limited to current financial members.
If you're not a current member, please visit the Join Us page.
Location details will be provided in your booking confirmation.
Field Days Field days are usually held once a month except in January.
Lunch is at 12.30pm, and talks or tours start at 1.15pm. We usually finish by 4pm but you are welcome to leave whenever you like.
What to bring: A folding chair, lunch and drinks, hat and sturdy shoes, produce to swap/share/sell.
Members - free
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, only current financial members are eligible to attend field days. Bookings are compulsory due to limited numbers. BOOK NOW
Wet Weather: Check our Facebook field day event page or tune into 2NURFM 103.7 or 1233 ABC Local Radio for updates on the day.
Car Pooling: Head over to our Facebook page and post in the field day event listing to offer or ask for a lift. Alternatively contact us via phone.