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A  COMMUNITY FOR ALL WHO Garden, farm, or want to learn how to grow healthy and sustainable food

Become a member! Meet other backyard and country growers, tour sustainable gardens and farms, and learn how to live a life more in tune with our environment. You'll receive our monthly newsletter packed with growing tips and upcoming events, one free workshop per year, and that good feeling knowing you're a part of positive change. ​ Entry to most events is for members only, so sign up today!

Field Days and Workshops

 Explore interesting gardens, backyards and farms filled with vibrant edibles, other plants, flowers and animals, and join us for educational workshops that inspire and inform. Discover the beauty of nature while learning new skills in a friendly and engaging environment. We can't wait to share our passion for farming, permaculture and organic growing with you! Look at our upcoming and past events below!


Our newsletter is jam packed full of growing advice tailored to the Hunter region. Join as a member to have it emailed to you, or you can access it below! 

Join Us
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Organic Vegetables

Buy local sustainable and organic produce in the Hunter Valley and surrounding regions. Find your local farm gate, market, organic retailer, or sustainable event...

Once a month join us to learn about growing vegetables & fruits, raising farm animals, and how to care for your soil. Meet the farmer, or tour a backyard growers garden. Make...

We are a community of people who are passionate about growing food in a sustainable way. Once a month we hold a field day where we can meet, exchange ideas, learn from each...


Check out our grower's guide for month by month organic food growing tasks and advice.

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