Bush Tucker at Purple Pear Farm
Time & Location
15 April, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Anambah NSW NSW
About the Event Purple Pear Farm have generously invited Hunter Organic Growers and Permaculture Hunter for a day of Indigenous food. The Slow Foods Hunter Valley Group has installed a Bush Tucker Garden in the grounds at Purple Pear and the garden has thrived through drought and flooding rain. They would love to see people come and look and be part of a discovery or reawakening of the flavours and textures of our food heritage.
Purple Pear Farm, HOGS and Permaculture Hunter are excited to welcome Bec Morris from Range View permaculture to give us some firsthand insight into these first nation’s food plants and their uses.
Bec has a deep passion for permaculture, Aussie native plants, Bush Tukka, connecting to country and integrating Aboriginal Lore into all aspects of her life. She is generously looking forward to sharing her culture, having a yarn and paly with us all at Purple Pear Farm.
On the day, we intend to prepare some of the plants into a finished product for sampling. An exciting opportunity arises to have a discussion on the sovereignty of these foods and how we can perhaps avoid exploitation by colonial thinking on possession and marketing of these important plants and processes.
Linda from Oz Tukka will join us on the day for the conversations and have their plants and products for sale..
We ask that you be here at 10am for morning tea with a 10.30 start with tours of the garden and a talks by Bec and Mark, before we break for lunch and launch into an afternoon of making, sampling and discussion.
Schedule 10:00 Arrive and start the day with a cuppa & morning tea
10:30 Tour of the bush tucker garden and talks by Mark Brown and Bec Morris
12:30 Break for lunch (BYO)
1:00 Gather for demonstrations of preparing native foods and discussions
2:00 Estimated end of activities Please Bring Your own lunch, a mug for tea/coffee, something to share for morning tea if you’d like, a picnic chair and any surplus produce, seeds or seedlings you'd like to bring for the swap & share table
How to book... You need to be a current (financial) member to book this event. Log into your account (top right of the website) and you'll be able to book via the members only tab or the RSVP link below. Please get in touch with us if you would like to attend but are having any issues booking the event.