February Events

Happy New Year from HOGS! It's February, we're all getting back into it and so are the HOGS team planning another exciting year of field days!
For February, we encourage everyone to come along to the listed events.
Lake Mac Eco Drinks https://www.facebook.com/events/1172935697828391/?acontext=%7B%22action_history%22%3A%22null%22%7D&ref_source=newsfeed&ref_mechanism=feed_attachment&_rdr
Permaculture at the Pub https://www.facebook.com/groups/permacultureatthepub/
For the March Field Day, we are preparing a garlic workshop, with information from expert growers and tastings! Garlic will also be for sale, so watch this space.
More details about the Eco Exchange:
Sat Feb 22 8:30-2pm
Landcare and Sustainable Living Centre, umali barai-ku, 80 Toronto Road, Booragul 2284
From 8:30-9:30am there will be a crop swap, so please bring along any excess produce, seeds, seedlings, or any related goodies you wish to swap.
This event is the chance to learn, engage, and take action towards a more sustainable future for our community - and yes you can look forward to free ice cream! It is a waste free event - please bring a reusable cup.
Join leading climate experts and explore solutions for a sustainable future.
Activities include;
- talk by award winning climate scientist and writer Dr Joëlle Gergis.
- Climate action discussion panel featuring local thought leaders.
- Kids activities
- Hands on workshops
- Live music and refreshments
- Bike valet and free bike maintenance from the crew at Cheeky Bikes
- Tiny Forest tours
- and more
